Monday, August 29, 2011

Freedom... Do I really want it???


We all want to be free! We all want to know why we were put here on this piece of earth, at THIS time, in this place, in this family, in this corner of Your universe.

Try as we might to decipher it all, we just sadly realize, we weren't given all the pieces of the puzzle!

Try as we might, we are horrified to realize...we really don't KNOW ourselves, not really!

How can I be "my own person", "unique and gifted", "nobody like me", when I haven't fully known this person called 'me'.

How can I "branch out", "stretch forth", "spread wings", "step out", "fly!"- when I don't know who I really am?

Fears and insecurities, words said at wrong times, wrong words said at most times, have crippled us into not even seeking for the essence of who we truly are. How 'valuable' can we be if we've been put down too much, criticized, analyzed, ridiculed, made the fool, been blocked and framed and cinched and maimed...
and there's hardly any 'me' left?

WHEN does this 'me' become the beautiful butterfly finally, breaking off and breaking skies, far away from limitations, and rules, and weights and anchors- within and without?

When do we begin to feel 'weightless' and 'carefree' and so 'light' we can feel the sky?

When do we fill our lungs with breaths of freedom that really fill to the very edges of our being?

When do our feet lose grasp of this little spot on Earth, and chains come off and gravity relinquish its hold on us?

When do we FEEL free?
When do we BECOME free?
When do we know, FULLY KNOW, what being FREE really is?

Is is a state of mind?
A state of soul?

Is it within, or without; inside or out?

Is it just for us to see, feel and breathe in it? Or, can others also know, and see it too?

Is it a state of total body wellness, mind and body coming together as freinds, a mysterious union and acceptance of each other, allowing each to grow and flow, and glow and, and, and... and what?

What else is it?

WHAT do you DO when you are a totally FREE being?
Or... DO you DO... at all???

Is it, perhaps, a state of NOT DOING?
Could it possibly be, instead, a state of intense enjoyment in just... BEING???
A state wherein we are able to say, as He said, " I AM"... and nothing more is needed?
"As He is, so are we" ... are we???
No more conditions.
No more restrictions.
No more ands, ifs, or buts.
No more guilt and heaviness and wetter than wet wings.
Could we possibly believe what He said about us was REALLY TRUE, and we cease to question it ever again?

No more weights on my feet
or lead on my heart?
No more dark cloud in my mind
and deep aches in my soul?
No more... anything???


Then, What does FREEDOM feel like?
What is it... really?

What does it look like?
What does it feel like?
What does it make me feel?
What does it smell like; taste like?

Will I know IT is there?

How does IT let ITSELF be 'taken' into me?
DO I take it by force?
Or, do I enter INTO IT?
If so, what is the magical doorway?
 Will I easily miss it?

Will I see It, want It, run to It?
Is IT'S only 'requirement' (for lack of a better word)
my 'wanting It" so badly?
Or, is there MORE I need to DO?
Is DOING involved at all?
Is it given to me upon request?
Must I know IT to have IT? First?

Questions, questions, questions...
... it does not make my heart feel settled and light...
or, could this possibly be the first step toward IT?

Is there a 'cost' to pay?
Or is it free?
Or does it cost ALL I have?


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